Tag Archives: Cell phone

Sex and Words with Friends

 I could sense him getting close. His sweet breath felt warm against my neck. His strong hand, tenderly caressing my shoulder, was comforting, and exciting. Buzz, buzz. He was pulling me closer. Gently, he turned my face towards his. He gazed deeply into my eyes. Buzz, buzz. I turned away. He drew me closer. As our lips touched I could no longer ignore my feelings, my desire. I had to follow my heart. “Just one more word,” I pleaded.

“Put down that damn game.” He sounded angry.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I said. Pushing my iPhone away, I reached my arms around his neck. Smiling, I moved in closer. Buzz, Buzz. What more does he expect? I’ve got it silenced. I resisted checking the screen. I needed to decide which is more important, my husband, or this damn game? I had to get my priorities in order. Buzz, Buzz.

“Why don’t you go upstairs, I’ll be up in a minute,” I said with a smile and a wink.

“Fine,” he responded. Fine is my line when I’m pissed off. I wonder if fine means the same to him.

Yes! I have a seven letter word! Just one more, I decided, and then I’ll go upstairs.

Two hours later I finally made it up to bed wondering, is this going on everywhere?

I’ve got to stop this. Tomorrow! Am I alone or are others obsessed?